van der Glas & van der Glas I Your boutique English school! Boutique Executive Education I Leadership Advisory I Executive transforming & transitioning partners.

5-T's: 'think things through thoroughly - together'


5-T's: 'think things through thoroughly - together' 
Communication: context, detail & meaning-making.

Probably the most important education you can engage in as a human being. This programme helps you to understand better how you interact with others and react to others in changing environments and why you react in certain circumstances and how to improve your re-actions and deepen your understanding. 

In order to understand the actions and reactions of humans in business and beyond, we need to not only look at the detail, but also see it in the context in order to make-meaning holistically and understand fully. Only after having done so, we get a grasp on which decision might be most helpful and help the detail, the environment as well as the relationships involved to move forward. 
The knowkedge shared in this programme stems from organisaitonal psychology, organisational behaviour, social psychology as well as biology and physiology.

We are happy to help you
as an individual and your organisation to flourish.
We help you to move forward and look forward to meeting you!​

English: You can start our standard Executive Education open programmes anytime as an individual or as a group of like-minded people or as a Team.  For further inquiries or scheduling an in-person or zoom-meeting, please write to: or call : +41 55 610 17 01. We look forward to meeting you.

Deutsch: Sie können unsere offenen Executive Education programme jederzeit starten, individuell oder als Gruppe gleichdenkender Menschen oder als Team. Für weitere Informationen oder das Vereinbaren eines Kennenlerngespräches in-person oder auf zoom, schreiben Sie bitte an: oder rufen Sie uns an: +41 55 610 17 01. Wir freuen uns, Sie kennenzulernen.
van der Glas & van der Glas I Your boutique English school! Boutique Executive Education I Leadership Advisory I Executive transforming & transitioning partners.